Sunday, September 6, 2015

2015 Guide to Quartz Bangers and Carb Caps

quartz banger and carb cap

Every dabber should be using a carb cap, it's a must when taking low temp dabs off your banger nail. Using both lets you appreciate the flavor of your cannabis extracts and gives you the smoothest hits. Here are some tips and tricks for those of you starting out in the concentrate world.

Users are being turned over to low temperature hits. Using a club banger and carb cap, you can taste every bit of your cannabis extract. Many marijuana users are switching over to concentrates and it's no mystery as to why. Cannabis extracts are jam packed with THC and just a tiny dab will leave you medicated. Vaporizing the material let's you inhale the medicinal properties.

Seasoning your club banger ensures the best vapor and taste when it's time to dab.

Seasoning your nail is actually quite simple. There are various methods found around the web but here's what I have tried and knows works. Just place a bit of concentrates inside the dish and move it around with your dabber. Let the oil coat the banger and burn off by itself. Using reclaim can save you money if you would rather not waste good concentrate.
Watch that your club banger doesn't turn bright red. This means that your nail is much too hot. Quartz is known to heat up fast than other materials used in nails. A lower temperature ensures both an optimal and smoother hit. Remember that in order to get a low temp hit, your oil must vaporize not burn off when it touches the club banger nail.

By using a carb cap you can achieve a low temperature hit by locking in the existing high temperature.

Knowing when to use your carb cap is vital when taking low temp dabs. Don’t leave the carb cap on for too long as it may get hot to the touch. Air will flow through the open holes on the cap. And that is how you take a low temp hit.

It is best to have a quartz club banger with thick walls for better heat retention while dabbing. The next step would be using an e-nail to have complete control of your temperature. You would need a 16mm or 20mm banger dish to fit your coil, both can be found online at the link below.

New dabbers are most likely to vaporize at a high temperature. Low temp hits are the way to go in my opinion! Be careful not to overheat your nail. It is good practice to use an adapter such as a glass drop down to prevent your glass water pipe from breaking.

The high temp dabbing fad may have also come about from the common misconception that your nail should be red hot in order to use it. The ideal temperature for vaporization to happen is between 300-400 degrees F, and trying to use your quartz club banger when it is red hot will only result in less efficiency while burning away your extract.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Benefits of THC-Infused Topical Creams

A large part of the medical marijuana community has been introduced to a whole new way to alleviate physical pain without the high that comes along when smoking cannabis.

Creams and gels are being infused with cannabis oils, resulting in a pain-relieving product that can be rubbed on your trouble areas. A truly useful innovation in the cannabis industry for many medical marijuana users.

How do these Creams Work and are they Effective?

You can target areas of pain with the assistance of these topical creams. They work by absorbing the cannabinoids through the skin when applied directly to the area of concern.

Many users report relief from discomfort and pain, while also noting that the traditional "high" wasn't as present. This is perfect for patients who need to function throughout the day without being slowed down. 

Patches containing high amouont of THC are being produced to gradually release cannabinoids throughout the day.

Certain strains are chosen when producing these alternative forms of medicine for maximum effect. Both THC and CBD are combined to provide the best relief to the patient. Other substances may be added in order for the cannabinoids to better be absorbed.

Other naturally relaxing herbs are added to these topical creams to improve both smell and potency. Essential oils from flower such as wintergreen are proven to help in the process of alleviating pain.

marijuana topical cream

Are these Topical Creams right for Me?

Most commonly used to alleviate symptoms often caused by muscle tension and inflammation. More and more research is being unveiled everyday that points to cannabis as a natural healing component. 

THC containing rubbing oil can help you unwind after a long day. More potent forms of medication, such as patches, can also be purchased in states where marijuana is legal.

What exactly do these Cannabis-Infused Creams do?

Simply put, your body already produces endocannabinoids that relieve pain by binding to specific receptors in your brain. Another way to activate these receptors is through the use of marijuana. 

Although these types of creams contain active psychoactive chemicals, you will feel the effects mostly throughout your body with only a little head "high". This form of medicating will not reach your blood stream, only certain receptors in your brain.

Patches are available for those who need a stronger alternative to cannabis-infused creams.

Different topical creams offer different forms of relief depending on the strength of the cream, so make sure to try different brands until you settle on one you prefer.

The cannabis industry is exploding in an uphill rate. As more and more states begin legalizing the use of marijuana, the negative stigma of cannabis is slowly dying. Patients are now seeing the benefits of switching to a natural alternative.